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trac-plugins-FullBlogNotification E-mail Notification for the FullBlog plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-GraphViz-svn Graphviz plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-MasterTickets-svn Ticket dependency plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-Paste Paste plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-RoadmapHours-svn RoadmapHours plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-screenshots Screenshots plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-SensitiveTickets-svn Ticket dependency plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-spamfilter-svn Spam Filter plugin for Trac
trac-plugins-TimingAndEstimation-svn TimingAndEstimation plugin for Trac
trackballs SDL-based Marble Madness clone
tracy Real time, nanosecond resolution frame profiler
trayion FreeDesktop trayicon area for Ion3
tree-sitter-query tree-sitter query grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-vim vimscript grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-vimdoc vimdoc grammar for tree-sitter
treetool Treetool is for displaying, editing, and printing phylogenetic trees
trf Genome tandom repeats finder
triangle Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
trifecta Educational image sharing website
triforceafl AFL/QEMU fuzzing with full-system emulation
triforcenetbsdsyscallfuzzer NetBSD syscall fuzzing with TriforceAFL
trigger-rally A 3D rally simulation racing game.
trimadap Trim adapter sequences from Illumina data using heuristic rules
trinity Assembles transcript sequences from Illumina RNA-Seq data
tripwire2 File and directory integrity checker
trurl Command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation
tscrape-git Twitter scraper
tsh Lightweight remote shel wity 128AES and file transfers
tslib Touchscreen access library
TT2020-ttf-git Advanced, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font
ttf-indic-fonts TTF Indic Fonts from Debian
ttr Text Text Revolution
ttyd Simple command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web
ttyload Color-coded console load graph
ttysnoop Snoop TTYs on Linux for kernels 2.6
ttytter Twitter client written in perl
tuareg-mode GNU Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Caml and OCaml programs
tuba Mastodon browser
tudu Command line interface to manage hierarchical todos
tutos Time and team management software
tuxanci Czechoslovak multiplatform action game like Bulanci
tuxanci-server Server of Czechoslovak multiplatform action game like Bulanci
tuxpaint-config Configuration program for tuxpaint
tuxpaint-cvs Drawing program for small children
tuxtype2 Educational typing tutorial game for children
tvmet Tiny Vector and Matrix template library
twamp-gui GUI for doing and visualizing TWAMP measurement
twemproxy Fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
twin-environment Text mode window environment
twinkle SIP-based VOIP client
twintk Terminal Windows Toolkit
twitmail Curses-based mail-like interface to twitter
twittering-mode-git Emacs client for twitter
txt2tags Text formatting and conversion tool
typespeed Game to measure your typing speed, with network mode
typhoon Database management system
typst-lsp Language server for typst
u-boot The mkimage utility of the u-boot bootloader
u-boot-full Das U-Boot -- the Universal Boot Loader
u-boot-khadas-vim3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (khadas-vim3_defconfig)
u-boot-mangopi-mq-pro Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (mangopi_mq_pro_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-r2s Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi-r2s-rk3328_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-pc2 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_pc2_defconfig)
u-boot-pinebook-crust Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinebook_defconfig)
u-boot-rock5b Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rock5b-rk3588_defconfig)
u-boot-sifive-unleashed Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (sifive_unleashed_defconfig)
u-boot-tools Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (tools)
u-boot-visionfive2 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (starfive_visionfive2_defconfig)
uade Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator
uchime Algorithm for detecting chimeric sequences
uclibc C library for developing embedded Linux systems
udhcp Embedded DHCP Client/Server
udp-ping UDP Ping is a tool to selectively send UDP packets
udunits2 Library for manipulating units of physical quantities
ueberzugpp Command line utility allowing to draw images on terminals
uebimiau Web based email client
ufc Unified framework for finite element assembly
uffizi Generates photo galleries from directories of image files
uget Open Source download manager application developed with GTK+
uhd-git USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers
ulfius HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C
umix Adjust mix levels
umoci Tool to modify Open Container images
unagi Modular compositing manager
undo-tree Treat Emacs undo history as a tree
unicorn5hc Quest for the Unicorn version 5, a rogue-like game, Hard Core edition
unifi Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti
unimrcp Open-source cross-platform implementation of MRCP[v1-2]
unimrcp-apr Patched APR version for UniMRCP
unimrcp-aprutil Patched APR-UTIL version for UniMRCP
unimrcp-sofiasip Patched SOFIA-SIP version for UniMRCP
unison-snapshot File-synchronization tool
unity Unit testing framework built for C
universal-test-runner Language-agnostic, zero-configuration test invoker
universalcodegrep Extremely fast grep-like tool for searching source code
unix2tcp UNIX socket to TCP tunnel
unmo3 MO3 decoder
unnethack Variant and further development of NetHack
unpaper Post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages
mk Subfolder